Explore and Compare Cell Phone Plans in Sainte-Perpétue, QC



Cell Phone Plans in Sainte-Perpétue, QC

TypeNumber of PlansNumber of CarriersPriced FromPriced To
Post-Paid8210$5 (Videotron)$110 (Bell)
Pre-Paid13913$9 (PhoneBox)$450 (Koodo Mobile)
Contract105$15 (Freedom Mobile)$225 (Rogers)
No Contract21116$5 (Videotron)$450 (Koodo Mobile)

Cell Phone Carriers Available in Sainte-Perpétue, QC

CarrierNumber of PlansPriced FromPriced To
24$5 (0.1GBs)$105 (15GBs)
4$32 (10GBs)$55 (40GBs)
6$15 (0.25GBs)$45 (65GBs)
4$10 (0.1GBs)$85 (10GBs)
20$15 (N/A)$225 (30GBs)
28$15 (0.25GBs)$100 (N/A)
27$15 (0.25GBs)$450 (60GBs)
19$9 (N/A)$54 (75GBs)
19$10 (0.1GBs)$110 (10GBs)
10$15 (0.5GBs)$50 (105GBs)
14$15 (0.25GBs)$150 (8GBs)
10$9 (3GBs)$100 (100GBs)
8$15 (N/A)$55 (9GBs)
14$10 (1GBs)$149 (30GBs)
6$20 (1GBs)$50 (105GBs)
8$10 (N/A)$55 (9GBs)

Cell Phone Coverage Map for Sainte-Perpétue, QC

  • Bell
  • Rogers
  • Freedom
  • Telus
  • Videotron
  • SaskTel
  • Eastlink
  • TBayTel

This map of cellular towers relies on data from a third party, specifically Science and Economic Development Canada. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of the data. The coverage is determined by the tower locations within a 3km radius. However, it does not imply that you won't receive a signal beyond this distance, and signal quality may vary within the 3km range.

Typically, the average coverage extends up to 3 kilometers in urban areas, with the possibility of extension in rural regions or reduction in high-density areas.

This map does not encompass partner networks and serves as a reference only. It is not an official map, and it is recommended to always consult the official site for accurate coverage information.

Cheapest Bring Your Own Phone Plans in Sainte-Perpétue, QC

Videotron0.1 GBs5
PhoneBox3 GBs9
Freedom Mobile1 GBs10
Bell0.1 GBs10

Cheapest Unlimited Call Plans in Sainte-Perpétue, QC

PhoneBox3 GBs9
PhoneBox10 GBs19
Public Mobile1 GBs19
Freedom Mobile1 GBs19
PC Mobile1 GBs20

Cheapest 10GB+ Data Plans in Sainte-Perpétue, QC

Lucky Mobile25 GBs27
Freedom Mobile20 GBs29
PC Mobile25 GBs29
Lucky Mobile25 GBs29
Koodo Mobile20 GBs29

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